Read Through the Bible in One Year
Join us for one hour each day, Monday through Friday, to read four to five chapters of the Bible. By November, we should be through the entire Bible.
The reading is oral, so if you cannot read due to visual impairment, you can enjoy fellowship with others while listening to it.
We meet at 12:00 to visit over a brown-bag lunch, and reading begins at 12:30.

Wednesday Bible Study
Our gifted Bible instructors are leading us in a study of James, a practical book about living the Christian life.
We meet in the Serenity at Briarcrest Community Center (near the television) on Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:00.

Men’s Prayer Meeting
God wants to hear from us, both individually and collectively. We invite all men to join us on Saturday mornings at 10:00 to pray for our church, country, friends, and neighbors. We meet in the small meeting room just inside the back entrance to the Community Center.